Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Angels Blood by Sallyann Phillips

Hey guys!  Time for Lola, the Bookplug Pug's next #bookreview by Sallyann Phillips - Angel's Blood. 

This book was a blast to read! Sallyann has the only other female werewolf character - other than LK Kelley - that is different than others. 

Tavi doesn't know who her Father is, and her Mother never told her. Her adopted father refused to tell her as well, but taught her how to fight and defend herself special Ops style. 

In order to save her life, her father and she moved quite frequently.  When she found herself alone, she continued to run as far as possible anytime something was threatening. 

This begins her own journey, and she accidentally  stumbles onto who she really is, while in the meantime finding a werewolf Alpha with whom she might be able to settle down – if she can find the words to tell him. The males think she is a pushover. MAN!  Do THEY have the wrong female!!!

When her real father kidnaps her by taking a little girl from her new Pack, she volunteers to return with his henchmen if they release her, then he forces her back into his depraved Pack. When he finds out Tavi is his daughter, he is determined to make her suffer every depravity with his Firsts. 

Sallyann's descriptions of her characters is superb, and you just cannot put down the book!  I love the way she winds her story around, and puts her female character in a strong role. I never read of a female werewolf who could fight like this one!!  Her new Pack is just as surprised.  

Find this wonderful author on Twitter & Amazon 


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